We’re Having a Party, or, A Sneak Peek

Happy Tuesday, everybody! Apologies for coming a bit late this week, but I have been laboring away getting my chapbook, Cover, Recover totally completed before this week's book launch. And folks, it is done! It was a long process with lots of paper cuts, arguments with my block printing ink, trips to the store for more printer ink, mild panic, and more, but it is done! And as promised, here is a sneak peek!

You may be wondering, "uhh why does it look like that?" Thats the thing–it doesnt! Thats the point of a sneak peek! If you want the real thing, you've gotta come to the book launch party at the Hearst Center for The Arts in Cedar Falls this Thursday at 7 PM!
It will be a fun time, in my, of course, very unbiased opinion. The evening will start with an open mic where you can come share your own poetry, and I will begin my talk at 7:30, with a reception to follow in the lobby. There will be free food and drinks courtesy of the Hearst Center and local brewers. The Hearst Crew, including Emily, Sheri, Abby, and more have been incredibly generous with their work getting this party going–you don't wanna miss out.
And hey, if you can't physically be there, that is okay too! We will also be streaming my reading on Zoom! Unfortunately, we have not figured out how to feed you pretzels and beer virtually, but you can still hear me read poems! You can find the Zoom link and any other details on the event at this link.

Also, free book! I have 50 copies of Cover, Recover that I will be giving out at the reading. Huge huge thank you to Hartman Reserve and the Blackhawk County Preservation Board for the financial support to publish this book and be able to give out this initial run for free. For future pressings, free will likely be unsustainable for me, so this is your chance to grab a copy at no cost besides having to listen to me blabber about trees and flowers and Beavis and Butthead for a few minutes.
And I won't reveal too much now, but there may be some other special surprises. If you don't come, you'll never know! (until I talk about it in this very newsletter next week)
I have to go keep prepping for the party, so I am going to keep this post short. Before I go though, I want to make sure to give a special shoutout to my partner-in-crime, my literal actual partner, Kat. Kat did a bunch of work helping me get the book laid out and printed and bound and helping me not succumb to my ever-nagging fear that all of my creative work is bad and should never see the light of day. Truly, for so so many different reasons, this chapbook would not exist without her. It is as much hers as it is mine. I love you, Kat.
Alright, I am feeling sentimental so I will leave you with a real, full, unedited, undistorted image of the chapbook.